20 Ways to Attract a Girl who has Attitude

As you probably already know, girls who have attitude can be a real pain in the PP because they are usually difficult to deal with and attract. However, if you put your time and effort into learning how to attract these types of girls, you would also learn that having an attitude doesn’t necessarily mean being difficult.

In fact, even the girl who is challenging your friends and you with her snarky remarks can prove to be a pleasant surprise once you understand how to get her. You just need to know the right way of going about it.

Here are 20 tricks on how to attract a girl who has attitude:

1) Compliment her

Although girls who have attitude usually hate when people tell them that they are gorgeous or pretty, you should still try to compliment her. Girls who act like they aren’t concerned about their appearance usually prefer when other people say things like “you look good with the way you dress” than what she really looks like.

2) Try to be her friend first

You can attract a girl who has attitude by making it appear as if you don’t care about what she thinks or does. When these kinds of girls see that you don’t get riled up by their snarky remarks and arguments, they would eventually warm up to you and give in to your request just so she can prove that she is braver than you are.

3) Don’t act like she is better than anyone

Girls who have attitude usually think that they are superior to everyone else because of their snarky remarks and rude gestures, so it’s best if you don’t try to put her down by insulting her or saying something about how rude she is acting. Instead, just let her feel cool while being around you.

4) Do the opposite of what she says

Girls who have attitude usually think that they are right all the time, but if they see that even when you don’t agree with them, then you will avert your eyes from their direction in order to avoid problems almost immediately. Remember not to argue with these kinds of girls since they always want attention and will do whatever it takes to get it.

5) Don’t complain about everything that she does

Just like the trick #4, girls who have attitude would think that they are right and you’re wrong even when your complaints are valid and true. But if you don’t complain about things such as where they want to go for lunch or how they dress up, then these kinds of girls would feel relieved and more likely to agree with your plans.

6) Try not argue with her

Remember that dealing with a girl who has attitude is very similar to dealing with an angry parent; you can end up getting yelled at if you happen to say something that the other person doesn’t like. You should do your best not to argue or fight with a girl who has an attitude because you would end up losing more than what you can gain.

7) Compliment her on the things she is good at

Girls who have attitude usually think that they are better than everyone else. You can prove them wrong by complimenting them of their strengths and skills, especially if it’s something that nobody really notices. These kinds of girls would gradually realize how much they do not know, believe me.

8) Ignore her snarky remarks

Girls who have attitude usually aim to get attention from other people whenever they say something rude or put someone down with their snarky remarks; however, you should act like you didn’t even hear what she said in order for her to notice the fact that no one pays attention to her. Girls who have attitudes usually don’t like it when they are ignored because this would make them realize how needy they really are.

9) Don’t do things for her unless she asks you to

Girls with attitude prefer if other people act like they really don’t want anything from them; however, if you do something for them even before they ask, then these kinds of girls would take advantage of the situation and start being bossy. You should only help a girl who has attitude when you know that she is going through a hard time or simply just needs a pick-me-up.

10) Give her space

Girls who have an attitude usually want to prove a point by fighting with other people and being bossy, so it would be best if you give her a little bit of space whenever she is acting this way. Don’t try to help her out even if it’s something that doesn’t require your assistance nor try to start a fight with her as well. You can tell that they want attention by the way they behave when other people ignore them or treat them like they are invisible.

11) Make sure that you don’t show sign of fear

Girls who have attitude usually think that they are superior over everyone else because of their snarky remarks and rude gestures, so make sure that you avoid showing any signs of fear especially in front of them. This kind of girl would only take advantage of the situation and keep on pushing other people around to make them feel miserable.

12) Smile, even if she doesn’t deserve it

Girls with attitude usually have a lot of insecurities that they want other people to get curious about so that they can realize how much they need to be loved unconditionally. If you just smile at her without knowing what the problem is, then this would make her think twice and work harder in order for you to like her since there’s no way you could already know what kind of person she really is after only smiling at her once or twice.

13) Keep your distance

Girls who have attitude usually keep on picking fights in order for other people to stay away from them; however, when give these kinds of girls space by working in the background, they would eventually start worrying and ask for your help. You should only give her a helping hand when she has learned to rely on herself again; otherwise, you might end up with more problems than solutions.

14) Don’t assume things about her

Girls who have attitude usually like it if people assume things about them because that’s how they know that other people are interested with their lives; however, when these kinds of girls realize that no one cares about what they do or say, then they would stop caring as well and look for someone else to get attention from.

15) Let her be happy

Attitude is a sign of unhappiness so you should let a girl who has this kind of negative attitude be happy once in a while by not forcing her to work, pay bills or even take care of herself. These kinds of girls usually don’t like it when other people become successful and would rather stay miserable for the rest of their lives just so they can make feel a certain way.

16) Take her out from time to time

Girls with attitude usually have a lot of pent-up frustration that they want to release through other people’s bodies, but you should take them out from time to time as well so that she could let go of the negative energy she has been holding on for quite some time now. If this kind of girl is tired because she hasn’t been sleeping properly, then you should encourage her to take a long break and relax for a little while because she might end up in the hospital if she pushes herself too much.

17) Don’t talk behind her back

Girls who have attitude usually like it when other people gossip about them to their friends because this would mean that they are at least being noticed; however, you should refrain from talking behind her back as much as possible so that she wouldn’t feel threatened and act out even more than before. You should also try to avoid people who only seem interested in getting attention by starting rumors so that your relationships with your other friends won’t be affected in the long run.

18) Let her take care of you once in a while

Most girls with attitude think that they are superior over everyone else since they know exactly how to push people’s buttons and keep on doing so until they finally explode; however, you should let her take care of you once in a while so that she could know how hard it is to deal with other people and appreciate what she has done.

19) Don’t judge her

Girls who have attitude usually like it when other people think of them as the bad girl who always gets into trouble because this would make them feel like they are strong and independent; however, you should avoid judging her as much as possible since this would only encourage her to rebel against society more than necessary. Try your best not to give any signs of disapproval towards everything she does even if you don’t agree with the choices she has made because she might end up hating you for the rest of her life.

20) Help her out in times of need

Girls with attitude usually don’t want other people to help them when they are in trouble because they think that everyone is against them; however, you should help her out in times of need once in a while so that she could learn to rely on herself again. You should only stop helping her when she has finally learned how to be independent and self-reliant again even if it takes years or decades before this happens.

Conclusion :

A girl with an attitude usually knows exactly what they want from a relationship and would rebel against society just so that other people would know that she is capable of doing things by herself; however, you should avoid getting into a relationship with this kind of girl if you don’t like fighting or drama because these are some of the reasons why these kinds of girls act out in the first place. If it’s too late for you to realize that you can do way better than her, then try your best to make her feel happy every once in a while because she might end up hating everyone who has ever known her.

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